Welcome to Nutrition Consulting !
Meet Tatjana !
Did you know that you can enjoy great food and reach your balanced weight? Nutrition4Balance is your own personal guide to help you understand what your body needs to get healthy and stay balanced. Nutrition4Balance is designed to be personalized lifestyle self-care plan that you can implement and sustain. It’s provide regular counselling and services to help you live a healthier and balanced life.
Let’s work together!

HOW Nutrition4Balance WORKS ?
Your initial appointment is about 60 minutes long.
It will include a complete assessment of your:
- current lifestyle including eating habits
- preferences
- health and medical history.
During this appointment, we will define your specific personal goals. Future visits are focused on responsibility, goal progression, nutritional education, addressing any challenges or problem areas, answering any food and nutritional questions that may have arisen, and help you to stay focused, motivated and inspired.
Each week you will receive a detailed weekly menu including recipes. Coaching is available remotely, over the phone or via skype/Viber/WhatsApp session. Documents and information will be emailed to you after each session.
- personalised meal plan
- nutritional education
- individual coaching and support
- body weight regulation
- increasing your energy level
- hormone balancing
- reduce fatigue
- clear, beautiful skin
- improved digestion
- increasing your immunity
- longevity and vitality
- enjoying mindfulness